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Welcome to the official homepage of iCOACH.  You've come to the right place.  We're glad you're here!

Be the best coach you can be!  Be the best "sports parent" you can be!  Be the best athlete you can be!

We're your "on-demand" sports & recreation resource, from youth sports through college athletics.


This site has been designed with COACHESPARENTS, and ATHLETES in mind.  We want to invest in the men and women who are coaching at any level, the parents who have children involved in athletics at any level, as well as the athletes who are competing at any level.  With iCOACH, you have access to over 40 years of expertise, and we want you to be the best you can be!

What We're All About...

The vision for iCOACH comes from a desire for three things:

  • Coaching

  • Player Development

  • Family Support



There are good coaches out there; however, there are far too many bad coaches out there that continue to be put into these roles.  In many cases, these men and women simply don't know "how to coach".  The problem is, too many spectators can't tell the difference between a "good" coach and a "bad" coach.  iCOACH was developed so that every coach, no matter the level, can now have a resource that will allow him or her to be a "good" coach.  There is so much more to being a "good" coach than knowing the X's & O's.  iCOACH will not only help you master the X's & O's, but will also give you other tools necessary to truly be a "good" coach.



Regardless of what level you're competing at, you more than likely have a desire to get better.  There are SO MANY different things pulling you in one direction or another.  You could spend countless hours trying to find ways to help you "get better".  However, unless you have the ability to tell the difference between what is good and what is not, you may end up getting frustrated, or you may end up settling on something that will not be able to help you achieve the results you're looking for.  Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good trainers, coaches, and methods out there, but they can get lost in the mix if you're not sure what to look for.  We can help you with that!  Our unique training system will help you get better, quickly ...guaranteed!!!



If you have children involved in athletics, then you understand the challenges that our athletes, as well as our families, face.  Our culture does not have a healthy view of athletics.  Our culture has a very unhealthy view of athletics, with all the undue pressures and judgments it places on our athletes, especially at the younger ages.  Unfortunately, many sports parents have bought into those lies and therefore place additional, unnecessary, pressure on their children.  It's a sad and vicious cycle, because the very thing that you may believe is helping your child is actually hurting them.  iCOACH is here for sports parents!  Whether you think you need it or not, we can help you navigate the "sports world" with your children, so that they have the best chance to be the best athlete they can be.


So, what is it?

We want every coach, every athlete, and every parent to be able to pick up the phone, send an email, or even video chat, when they need ANYTHING!  With iCOACH, any coach (no matter what level) will be able to call, text, email, and/or video chat to get help with ANYTHING from tips on skills/drills, to planning practice, to developing a coaching philosophy, and everything else.  Any athlete will be able to call, text, email, and/or video chat to get help with ANYTHING from skill development, to fixing sport specific skill issues, to playing time questions, to recruiting, and everything else.  Any parent will be able to call, text, email, and/or video chat to get help with ANYTHING from helping their children deal with "sports issues" their facing, to helping them understand how to help their children get better, to sport specialization, to recruiting, and everything else.


We want to take the guess work out of coaching, competing, and "sports parenting".  We understand that not everyone that decides to coach will be experienced, or even any good.  So many people are simply asked to coach their child's team, or they simply want to "get into coaching".  We also understand that not every parent is equipped to help their children develop athletically, including the mental aspect.  That's why we've designed iCOACH, so that we can help anyone become a good coach, a good athlete, and a good "sports parent".  Check us out!  We'd love to partner with you.


Email us anytime, to discuss anything!  If you email us during normal business hours, you will receive a response within an hour.  If you email us after business hours, we will respond to your email at some point, the following business day.


You may want to talk to, and see, a live person.  This is where it gets really cool!  You can video chat with one of our experienced coaches and you'll have the opportunity to discuss anything, sports & recreation, that you'd like.  You will also have the ability to interact live regarding skills, drills, training, etc., from your home.


If you would simply like to speak with someone, then our phone option may be the best choice.  You'll speak to one of our experienced coaches, ready to help you however you need.  If you leave a message, we'll return your call within the hour.  If it's after hours, we'll return your call during the next business day.

On Site

Depending on the need, we will come to you.  This could be very helpful for coordinating tryouts, or helping with practice, or for individual training, etc..  There may be times when you may need an extra pair of experienced eyes to evaluate something.  We'll do that!  We also do coach and referee training.  Anything that would warrant an on-site presence, we can do.

Contact Us

704-750-TEAM (8326)

If you have questions regarding anything that has to do with iCOACH, please fill out the form to the right to contact us.  Once you submit the form, and it's been reviewed, someone will get back to you in a timely manner.  Thank you.

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